What are we doing here? We have come to be startled again by the truth of God’s Word, that in hearing we might believe and in believing we might give our lives back to God. This is where we come to love God back, through the songs we sing, the prayers we pray, the hands we hold, and the tithes and gifts we bring. |
What are the core beliefs that define our faith? We believe in God as our Creator, Jesus Christ as Our Redeemer, the Holy Spirit as our Sustainer, the Bible as our primary guide for living and Prayer as a necessary step to sustain a healthy soul. |
What is our purpose? Our purpose is to grow: grow higher through worship, grow closer through fellowship, grow deeper through discipleship, grow stronger through ministry, grow richer through giving, and grow wider through evangelism. |
What is our vision? We are becoming a biblically functioning community that seeks to liberate God’s people to live life mightily. |
What happens when we go away from here? We leave here stronger, and yet more dependent on Christ. We leave here bolder, more hopeful, and better equipped to participate in God’s wondrous transforming mission in the world. |